Membership Categories
Previously known as Full Members, Fellows are registered medical practitioners of consultant or equivalent status and permanently established surgeons working in the UK who have given evidence of satisfactory scientific and practical attainments in hand surgery, and practitioners in allied disciplines of medicine who are interested in the hand. The annual subscription fee is £375.00 and Fellows receive both the Journal of Hand Surgery (American volume, electronic version) and the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume) as part of their subscription.
CLICK HERE to complete or continue a Fellow Application Form
International Members refers to professionals practising outside the British Isles who are registered medical practitioners of consultant or equivalent status who have given evidence of satisfactory scientific and practical attainments in hand surgery. The annual subscription fee is £175.00 and International Members receive the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume) as part of their subscription.
CLICK HERE to complete or continue an International Member Application Form
Associate Members are medical practitioners registered in the country in which they practice who are interested in hand surgery. The annual subscription fee is £160.00 and they receive the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume) as part of their subscription.
CLICK HERE to complete or continue an Associate Member Application Form
Previously known as Companion Members, Affiliate Members are colleagues from allied non-medical disciplines who have a particular interest in hand surgery. The annual subscription fee is £50.00 which includes online access to the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume).
CLICK HERE to complete or continue an Affiliate Member Application Form
Foundation and Core Trainee Members are Foundation doctors or Core Trainees, or doctors of equivalent status and within five years of qualification as a doctor, with an interest in hand surgery. The annual subscription is £25.00 which includes online access to the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume).
CLICK HERE to complete or continue a Foundation and Core Trainee Member Application Form
Student Members refers to undergraduates, or medical students with an interest in hand surgery. The annual subscription is £25.00 which includes online access to the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume).
CLICK HERE to complete or continue a Student Member Application Form
Honorary Fellows
Previously known as Honorary Members, Honorary Fellows are distinguished surgeons or persons of distinction whose merit is esteemed by the Society. Honorary Fellows do not pay a subscription fee and receive the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume). The BSSH Council make recommendations as to who should be nominated for Honorary Fellowship.
Senior Fellows
Previously known as Senior Members, Senior Fellows refers to those who have retired from active clinical and medicolegal practice. Senior Fellows do not pay a subscription fee and receive online access to the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume). If you met the criteria and are a current BSSH Fellow, and wish to be nominated as a Senior Fellow, please email
Category closed to new members as of 2022
Overseas Members are registered medical practitioners of consultant or equivalent status and permanently established surgeons working overseas who have given evidence of satisfactory scientific and practical attainments in hand surgery, and practitioners in allied disciplines of medicine who are interested in the hand. The annual subscription fee is £175.00 and Overseas Members receive the Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume) as part of their subscription.
Information last updated May 2024
For further information and application details please contact
British Society for Surgery of the Hand
The Royal College of Surgeons of England
38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PE
Tel: +44 (0)207 831 5162