BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:British Association of Upper Limb Spasticity Annual Meeting UID:4609 DESCRIPTION:This event is a meeting for therapists\, doctors and surgeons to share ideas and understanding of Upper Limb Spasticity. The goal is to advance knowledge of a challenging condition.Outline of the day:WelcomeEvidence review presented by Dr  S LuriaRole of therapy and integration presented by Ms Jo LloydCase 1 PaedView from a Paediatric neurologist Dr J Cadwgan Case 2 adult\n LunchCase 3 PaedMovement Disorders by Dr D Lumsden Two 15 minute talks tips and tricks: 1) 'When and How I fuse the wrist' by Mr M Horwitz 2) 'When and how I transfer tendons' by  Mrs R Buckingham\n Case 4 adolescent\n 'What I have learnt in 20 years' by Mr D Boyce. \n\nThis is a free event\, to book please contact Mr Maxim Horwitz to express interest:\n\n DTSTAMP:20230329T134600Z DTSTART:20230623T080000Z DTEND:20230623T160000Z LOCATION:Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR