BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BSSH Cadaveric Masterclass - Arthroplasty of the Hand & Wrist 2024 UID:4703 DESCRIPTION:\n\n \n\nWe are proud to once again convene this masterclass course for consultants and ST7/8 trainees. It will run in conjunction with the established ICHS courses. The faculty are expert hand surgeons from plastic and orthopaedic backgrounds. The course\, to be held in the purpose-built cadaver laboratory\, will cover the following aspects of complex problems of Arthroplasty of the Hand & Wrist.\n\nPlaces are strictly limited to 18\; faculty-to-delegate ratio is 1:2. \n\nThursday 6 June 2024 \n\nVenue:University of Manchester Cadaveric Laboratory\nManchester Surgical Skills Centre\nStopford Building\nOxford Road\nManchester\nM13 9PT\n\nTopics:DIPJ\, PIPJ\, MCPJ silastic replacementsPIPJ surface replacement arthroplastyTrapeziometacarpal arthroplastySTTJ pyrocarbon interposition arthroplastyProximal scaphoid pyrocarbon interpositionRCJ replacementUlna head replacementHemihamate arthroplastyFaculty:Alex LluchBrigitte van der HeijdenJonathan HobbyPiotr CzarneckiLindsay Muir \n\n DTSTAMP:20240326T104200Z DTSTART:20240605T230000Z DTEND:20240605T230000Z LOCATION:Manchester END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR